Participation in Midea product training is one of the requirements you'll need to meet in order to become a MiPro partner.
To register for Midea product training, simply register your interest by clicking on the button below:
What is Mi Pro?
Mi Pro offers a truly responsible approach to air conditioning ownership. It offers the UK market a solution that is not just right for Midea partners but is also a stand-out choice for the end-user.
All trained Mi Pro installation partners must be FGAS certified and can offer up to a 10-year warranty and support the longest maintenance contracts. As a Mi Pro partner, you can also collect Mi Points on any Midea equipment you purchase and correctly register for warranty. You can use your points for:
Discount on your future Midea orders*
Business contributions to support mutual growth**
* Up to a maximum of 25% on any order. ** A minimum of 100 points is required before redemption and all points must be claimed by the end of the year (December 31st)
How to become a Mi Pro partner?
As well as participating in Midea product training, to become a Mi Pro partner you will also need to:
Register your F GAS installations via our website.
Register your F GAS service visits online, annually, to retain your warranty.
Install and register both Midea Splits and VRF equipment or register over 20 service visits per annum.
For more information about Mi Pro, please click HERE.
What modules are there?
There are 6 modules to choose from:
Installation > (1) Wall Mounts > (2) Commercial Units > (3) VRF
Fault Finding > (4) Wall Mounts > (5) Commercial Units > (6) VRF
Where and when does the training take place?
Generally, training takes place on Friday afternoons and is completely virtual. After successful registration, you’ll be emailed an invitation link which will enable you to access the online training session. Don’t worry if you don’t receive your invitation link straight away, as the email containing it is usually sent out within a day or two of your session.
How to register?
To register for Midea product training, simply register your interest by clicking on the button below:
For more information, please visit mideauk.co.uk/support/training.
Do I get an Uber Eats voucher for attending?
You certainly do! Upon completion of your training, you'll be given a £15 Uber Eats voucher!
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below: